Tuesday, May 19, 2009

9 Months Old

Our sweet baby girl turned 1 month older yesterday (big sigh). We celebrated the big day by going to her 9 month well-baby check up. HA! We heart Dr. Lacy. He really is the best, and she loves his beard. She didn't mind this appointment because she didn't get any shots. The shots are always harder on me than on her. We started off by playing 20 questions. I told him the older she gets, the more questions I have. Looking back at her 8 month picture I can really see how much she has changed in the last month. Of course I took a thousand pictures, but what's new. Happy Tuesday!!
The Stats:
Weight - 16 lbs. 7 oz. (15th %tile)
Height - 26 3/4 (25th %tile)
Head - 43 1/2 cm (33rd %tile)
In the last month she...
*got 3 more teeth at the same time (that is not a typo) 8 total
*ate teething tabs like they were candy
*has been banned from her bouncy seat since she tried to catapult out of it
*started clapping and somewhat waving bye-bye
*stills says dada
*started sleeping all the way through the night again
*still has not had any formula, but has tried eggs, bananas, pancakes, cheese, ham, etc.
*is still drinking out of a sippy cup with breakfast ( I hold it though)
*cruises around the ottaman, coffee table, and anything that's stationary
*developed a slight temper when it's not her way
*has had several bruises and 2 busted lips (poor baby)
*doesn't like to be held for longer than about 2 minutes. She would rather crawl.

I think they're looking at Nick

Nosey Rosey

just relaxing

so lady-like

Daddy and his baby girl


randomly crafty said...

Happy 9 months Ella!!!


What a busy little girl... she is adorable in that outfit. I can't believe how fast our babies are growing!!!

The Gapens said...

She is so cute! I loved the camo dress in the first post too. I think little girls are so cute in camo!

m.e. said...

Ella will be 1 year old with the blink of an eye.