Ella received a Valentine's Day package yesterday from my parents and she was so excited! I told her it was from Gram & Pops and she kept saying "Pop! Pop!". My Mom knows how much I love anything with a character theme (I'm being very sarcastic) so she couldn't resist. She got a Playtex sippy cup with Ariel from The Little Mermaid on it, a bib, pjs, a card and some candy. She looked so cute modeling her new pjs. Thanks MOM!!

side view

drinking some juice from her new sippy cup

reading her card

her new thing...she loves to throw away trash
My parents gave Ella this potty for Christmas, so we figured we would go ahead and introduce it. She lets us know as soon as she messes up her diaper....sometimes before. She says "tt" or "poo poo". She brings us diapers, wipes, or whatever she can find to let us know it's time to change her diaper. It will be a while before we really start the potty training process but figured we would at least set it out.

helping dada take out the potty

this is the coolest potty

foot first

She said "potty!"

checking it all out

she threw a SLIGHT hissy when I told her that her potty
has to stay in the bathroom :(

trying to explain to dada why she was so upset...
It's a little difficult trying to reason with an "almost" 18 month old

She eventually got over it and gave me a big smile!

Daddy gave her some chocolate to dry her tears

winding down before bedtime